Out From Under the Umbrella

playing in the rain



I have a couple of posts started but I’ve been slammed at work and busy at home so I haven’t had time to finish them.  I’m still working on that refutation of the Seven Signs of Easter but in lieu of something so serious let’s just be happy instead! Let’s clap!

You got a happy song?  Share it!

59 thoughts on “Happy

  1. Sounds good to me – I’m all for happy! Every time I hear that song I picture Gru dancing and making breakfast after falling for Lucy. 🙂


    • Y’know as much as love animated films I haven’t seen Despicable Me.

      Note to self: Watch Despicable Me.


      • Everyone in our family liked the second movie better than the first which is where this tune shows up. Of course our kids have watched it hundreds of times so it isn’t quite as enjoyable as it was the first 5 times. 😉


  2. Love it! Great way to start the day. 🙂


  3. I’ve always been partial to Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World.” 🙂


  4. Nice. *snaps fingers* Happy Thursday.

    Ruth — I wanted to make a comment to Howie but can’t because you apparently have your threaded (nested) comments set to default.

    @ Howie — if you see this, I LOL’d loudly at your comment:

    “e.g. do you really think I buy my son a remote controlled helicopter or race-car for him?”



  5. Here’s one I play when I want to cheer myself up – I think it counts as a happy song, because it always makes me smile.


  6. Love your choice of a happy song. Here is mine… I only have animated ones on my mind because… children.


  7. This one usually makes me laugh:


  8. Nice way to put a smile on people’s faces. Here’s my entry. By the way, my favorite line is the randomly placed “How is the weather?”


  9. Yeah, keepin’ it universal — one of the greatest solvents to parochial religion.
    Happiness — who could argue?
    Hadn’t seen this video – thanx. Fun.


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