Out From Under the Umbrella

playing in the rain

Adventures in D’Ma Land


*This is a re-post since Blogger decided to eat it and not give it back. ๐Ÿ™‚

 Lately I’ve had a few other interests besides blogging and reading about religious stuff.  I’ve been landscaping around my heretofore barren yard.  I made some pinch-pleat drapes for a friend whose husband owns a wholesale plant distribution business.  So…we bartered.

I got  five Yellow Knock-Out roses, eight ‘Purple Diamond’ loropetalum, four  ‘Emerald Snow’ loropetalum,  three ‘Blushing Bride’ hydrangeas, and three spirea ‘Vanhouttei’.  Oh, and four plumbago.  I think it was a pretty good swap. ๐Ÿ™‚

This is what my pathetic back yard looked like before…just two pitiful little miniature rose bushes planted in a horrible locale.  In my defense I thought these were climbing roses that I intended to work into that hideous lattice.  Not so much.

Now it looks like this…


This was my much neglected, embarrassing garage area.  You know, the part people see when they pull up to my house.  It looks so sad.

Except for my grandgirl, Carmen, of course!  ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s a happy space now, though…

I dug every hole myself, laid every inch of landscaping fabric, and put out all the pine straw. I received the plagues of first ants, then mosquitoes and worse yet, armadillos.  Anybody know a humane way of getting rid of armadillos?  They’re digging up my yard.  I’m kind of proud of my handiwork, though.  And my legs now look super duper sexy with all these ant and mosquito bites.

This I’m not so proud of.  It’s what happens when I’m trying to be lazy and get juuuust as close to the pond as I can.  Lesson of the day:  Mowers don’t work well in water, just in case anybody else out there needed that kind of advice. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have at least one more interest, but that’s for another post entirely! ;~)

6 thoughts on “Adventures in D’Ma Land

  1. I need some serious yard help. I know nothing about plants. Rose bushes I can do because they don't seem to need much care. That is if the AH does not run over them with the mower or cut the down with the weed-eater. He has done this several times. Makes me so mad.


  2. You're quite the gardener! Very nice.Unfortunately, posts and/or comments have disappeared at other Blogger blogs (mine included), much to everyone's frustration. Does anyone know exactly what happened?


  3. @theagnosticswife:I can only grow things if I can plant them in the ground. Most of those things are pretty hardy. I kill houseplants on a regular basis. :(@Ahab:Thanks! I had a great time. Love me some DIY! ๐Ÿ™‚ As for blogger: this is their story and their stickin' to it.http://buzz.blogger.com/


  4. Oh, and TAW, maybe you could stake those rose bushes. That might keep the AH from destroying them. It might make him so mad if he runs over one of those stakes with the mower. ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. theagnosticswife,my mother-in-law loves rose bushes and use to plant them all over her front yard. My husband, as a teen, couldn't stand mowing around them, so he perpetually "accidentally" mowed them down and his dad never seemed to mind. You definitely need to make it more work to mow them down then to mow around them!D'Ma, Good work! How about coming to Memphis and doing the same to my yard? ๐Ÿ™‚


  6. DoOrDoNot,Thanks! You just never know. I've been watching Yard Crashers on DIY…your house could be next. ๐Ÿ™‚


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