Out From Under the Umbrella

playing in the rain

Liberal Sluts!


I guess I really am that stupid.

I don’t condone calling either of these women a slut.  I don’t know the first thing about either of their sexuality. I have no idea if Sarah Palin has been faithful to her husband for 24 years and I have no clue if Sandra Fluke has ever had sex.  That’s none of my business or concern.  It is certainly not the point.

Rush Limbaugh has managed with his vitriol to do exactly what he intended to do.  He has vilified one woman by calling her a name implying what she stands for.  If anyone who plastered the above picture ever bothered to listen to Fluke’s testimony they would know that she wasn’t speaking on her own behalf but the behalf of others who are affected by this nonsense.  But that would require actually doing some fact checking and not just listening to conservative pundits and following blindly what someone else told them.

I opened my facebook page to find the above picture posted by a friend.  I couldn’t help myself and before I knew it I was posting.

I still consider myself fairly conservative.  Even as a conservative I felt that insurance plans should cover birth control pills.  The decision when or if to have a baby should be up to a woman and her partner – not her employer.  I’m not saying that pregnancy is a disease, but these plans cover other elective prescriptions.  Not only that, many diseases are controllable by diet and exercise without the need for medications.  So if someone who is overweight has diabetes, like maybe Rush Limbaugh, should he be denied medication?  He could control his problem another way.

The fact is no one has asked taxpayers to fund this contraception.  What these liberal sluts are asking for is that their insurance plan pay for the contraception.  More times than not the individual must contribute some portion of the insurance premiums for this coverage. In most states taxpayer funded contraception already exists for those with no or low incomes.  It amazes me how ignorant people can be.

And then the creme de la creme was this jewel:

He will receive no criticism from me for drawing Social Security Disability Insurance.  The irony is palpable.  These women, at least many of them, are or will be taxpaying citizens of this country.  They also want reasonable and fair treatment.  Why shouldn’t contraception be covered?  Because some single women might have sex?  Because women want to be in control of their own bodies?  Because pregnancies that women are unprepared for might be prevented? Why is that such a horrible thought?  Aren’t there enough unwanted children in this world?

Births and the ongoing healthcare of children are expensive.  Much more expensive than contraception.  Rush Limbaugh has diverted attention from the real issue at hand by screaming “the taxpayers are getting duped”.  This has nothing to do with taxpayer funded anything.  And yet when that fact is pointed out these conservative parrot heads keep going right down that same path.

Do conservative menfolk really believe we women folk really don’t have enough sense to figure what is best for our own bodies?

18 thoughts on “Liberal Sluts!

  1. This menfolk thinks the current flavor of conservatism is patriarchal and on a quick-time march. To answer your end of post question, obviously.



  2. And yet another important issue gets lost in emotional hyperbole. You are very right that people just don’t take the time to get the facts before going off half-cocked. I had a discussion with a lady yesterday who warned me that Pepsi is putting the same drug used in the “morning after pill” in their soft drinks. When I challenged her she challenged me to Google it. Oh, brother!


  3. Is the internet making more people stupid, or is it laying bare the inherent stupidity within? I am most amused at the urban legends starting off with, “This has been confirmed by Snopes.com!” and no one even bothers to go check snopes.com before passing it along. One can literally say the exact opposite of the source, and people believe it.

    It is as-if the Republican party is deliberately deciding to commit suicide. It is disenfranchising the Latino vote with immigration, the college grads with “snobbery” comments, the middle class with its constant deference to the super-rich, and now (as if that wasn’t enough!) the entire block of women voters. Do they not understand more women vote than men? According to DailyKos (I didn’t verify it), if the percentages stay the same as today, with 33% of women voting Republican, it would take 7 out of 10 men to vote Republican to win.


    As for Facebook, one reason I de-friended most my own family was my utter horror at how uninformed they were. No…not that they were uninformed…but when I suggested they look up sites and information, they refused, reveling in being uninformed. It was their method of embracing ignorance because it conformed to what they hoped to be true.

    David Lettermen intoned Sarah Palin was a slut. (He referred to her look as “slutty airline stewardess.” So the picture is technically accurate such accusations occur.


    • This was his reply to me today:


      He went in search of an article to support his preconceived ideas. Not that is was very difficult. There is a lot of misinformation out there.

      David Lettermen intoned Sarah Palin was a slut. (He referred to her look as “slutty airline stewardess.” So the picture is technically accurate such accusations occur.

      I wasn’t so much attacking the picture and it’s captions beneath because, indeed, both sides have done their fair share of name-calling. I think it’s a shame that instead of using facts to argue points people resort to such comments. It’s divisive and unhelpful, which is probably the intention. Create chaos and divert attention from the facts.

      More or less I took exception to the caption within, particularly on Sandra Fluke’s half, the picture. She never stated that she was having “so much sex she was going broke buying birth control”. It’s a pretty slanderous comment. And how much sex she is or isn’t having isn’t anyone’s business nor is it the point. It isn’t about one woman.


      • This reply was in response to me as I posted this comment this morning:

        “Last comment from me on this. Again, I reiterate that this testimony and hearing was/is not about taxpayer funding of contraceptives. It’s about asking group health plans to cover it. The issue is based on a bill that requires religious affiliated employers to cover contraceptives the same as any other drug.”
        about an hour ago

        He has now removed the above referenced article from his comments and responded with this:

        “OK, as long as the taxpayers don’t get involved.”

        Perhaps he’s now done a bit of research. Who knows?


      • Only a Republican would think having sex three times a day is a lot. I think sexual repression goes with Fundamentalism. The Taliban and al-Qaeda have real serious issues.


  4. Way to fire back, D’Ma! Issues like these are a frightening peek into the human psyche, at its worst.

    I’m just as surprised as DagoodS with the republican strategy. However, those in charge of it probably think that they are doing great, because the loonies are so loud and passionate.


  5. Right-wing (and sometimes left-wing) misogynist men have been mansplaning women’s bodies to women for eons. The arrogance and ignorance of such men astounds me. Why on earth shouldn’t insurance companies cover contraception? We can make a convincing arguments that it counts as preventive care.


  6. wouldnt be half as bad if all liberal men could be conservative and leave their misguided conceptions in there pants .. and understand the real concept of what birth control actually is about ….


  7. I can’t help but laugh at the ignorance behind birth control pills. They are not like viagra which are used only when an erection is wanted. I laugh at the stupidity and then I weep.

    BTW- male birth control pills have been out for decades. Apparently they have much less dangerous side effects. Men are allowed to have sex, so they should be allowed to prevent pregnancy without being called sluts or irresponsible. Oh, I forgot. The RW rhetoric tells us that men are capable of controlling the world and all the women in it but cannot control their own habits. They just aren’t responsible enough for that so good thing women can feed the dog and the kids and remember to take those pills for them.


  8. what im actually getting from this blogg ….. is this … that a man exists that actually believes that women only takes the birth controll pill purley to have more sex ……. and based on that thought they have objections that the tax payer has to pay for that …… uuuuuuummmmm errrrrrrr … im more worried about is that a man even thinks like that … and im a man ……. he`s so misguided on very very many levels … from where i come from he`s neither liberal .. conservative or of sound reasonable thinking .. he`s a misguided baffoon .


  9. The part that bothers me most about all of this is that buried in the conservatives rage is the insinuation that there is something wrong with women having non-procreative sex. Such as the comments “keep your legs closed” or “fun without consequences.” It’s like they’re truly angry at the thought of women who want to have sex, and yet don’t want to be pregnant.


    • I agree OSS. And who are the women (for the most part) having sex with? Men. So, why don’t they chastise the men and call them sluts? Double standard.


    • All of this is seriously messed up thinking. It’s okay to be a manwhore, but if you’re a woman put an aspirin between your knees. I’ve asked that same question, Zoe. If all these men think that women should be so chaste, and they’re all keeping their zipper up, who in the world are they women sleeping with?


  10. Like this, D’Ma! What I don’t understand is how these same people bitch and moan about having to provide for mothers and children on welfare. They’re also against abortion, no matter what. It seems to me that when considering welfare and abortion, they would prefer birth control methods over the alternatives. If I remember right (sorry if you already mentioned it and I missed it), the above mentioned woman needed birth control for her extreme female issues to begin with, it had nothing to do with her sex life.

    I honestly believe that this sanctimonious attitude by the religious right is what keeps the abortion industry going, (not non believers and/or liberals) for they refuse to properly educate themselves and others about sex, biology and birth control options. As a former executive director of a Christian pregnancy center, I know this to be true. Many pro-lifers still push Natural Family Planning to MARRIED couples in Church and the community. They also continue to encourage single women to give up their child to adoption like our culture did over 50 years ago. I’m not necessarily against adoption, I just don’t like it when girls feel as though they’re being bullied into doing so and are left clueless as to what kind of pain giving up a baby may cause them.


  11. Pingback: Why do possessed people have their pupils enlarge? | Out From Under the Umbrella

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