Out From Under the Umbrella

playing in the rain

Haters Gonna Hate


1482967_813463125356313_5515814137530970124_nAtheists don’t hate God any more than we hate fairies, leprechauns, or unicorns.  There are some of us who hate what religion does to people.  We no more believe that God does exist than any of those other things.

I’ve just never heard anyone denigrate, denounce, devalue, or discriminate in the name of fairies, leprechauns, or unicorns.  The minute they do I’ll start blasting those imaginary friends, too.


When somebody comes along and tells me I’d better love Tinkerbell, Larry the Leprechaun, or Stabby over there, else I’m going to a bad, bad place for all of eternity, I’ll tell them they’re crazy and if they gain a following I’ll label it a cult(oh my).

When people start having slaves, demanding submission, or waging wars, and abusing others in the name of their fairy, leprechaun, or unicorn, I’ll hate on those.

Until then, religion will do.

156 thoughts on “Haters Gonna Hate

  1. You sound like you suppose all religions are the same.

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    • Well, no, not exactly. I should have stipulated the more evangelical, extremist, varieties. Though there are many liberal/progressives who still revert to some pretty harsh teachings and beliefs.


    • how are they different? is it a difference in kind or degree?


    • Of course. Religions vary in doctrine, but in these respects they are all the same: 1) they rest upon the writings of men, 2) they have no objectively verifiable evidence, 3) they place high value on belief from authority and denigrate systematic critical investigation into their claims, 4) they depend on indoctrinating the young while they are impressionable and their critical thinking capabilities are not matured, and, 5) younger religions all show evidence of copying and modifying elements of older religions known in the area where the younger religion developed. There may be more areas of sameness, these are off the top of my head.

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      • I disagree with 1,2, and 3. 4 is what liberals also expect public schools to do in terms of indoctrination into beliefs in Darwinism and the gay lifestyle, so 4 is moot. 5 is just plain adolescent


        • Of course you disagree with this. You believe the Bible is the Word of God. What is your objective, verifiable evidence that this is the case?

          What, exactly, is it that you think Evolution is? Even leading scientists(who have further developed the Theory of Evolution) have disproved strict Darwinianism. And indoctrinating young children about what exactly to do with the gay lifestyle?


          • It’s required USA history now.


          • I’m sorry, I’ll need you to clarify. What is required USA history now?


          • It’s required USA history now. Gay marriage is law. It’s part of Is history.


          • Okay, but what exactly is it that you think children are being indoctrinated with? I realize that same-sex marriage(I’ll just be calling it marriage for future reference) has been legalized. But what is it you think kids are being indoctrinated with? That there are different kinds of families? That people are free to marry who they wish so long as they’re consenting adults? That some kids might have two mommies or two daddies? That if they are, themselves, gay they are not horrible people, but rather human and normal?

            The horror!

            It is not as if the education they receive is indoctrinating them to be gay or lesbian. They aren’t recruiting kids for team gay.


          • They are being told it’s okay.


          • It is okay if a child has two mommies or two daddies. Whether you or anyone else agrees with that is up to you to teach your children. Their public education is only meant to teach them the reality of what is in a secular manner. If being taught that who they are, or who their parents are, or who their classmates parents are is okay is the worst thing you’ve got you’re going to have to do better to call it indoctrination.


          • Explain. Specifically the Collins out of context misquote.


          • Are you using that excerpt, from which I can only conclude part is missing since you used ellipses, as proof of your theory that ” DNA is literally a detailed account of what God said when He created man.

            We have evidence that God exists in ourselves. In DNA we are witnessing through science the transcending of the natural realm into physical evidence for the miraculous.”?


          • I’m quoting Collins who quoted President Clinton who made the speech that Collins said he co-wrote with Clinton’s speech writer. I can’t say I’m sorry if it isn’t what you want to hear. The book is available you know. He’s pretty clear and so was Clinton. The map and the analogy. Clear.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I’ve repeatedly asked you for more links to your posts on DNA. You’ve yet to provide that.

            Yes, it was perfectly clear that you are using Collins and Clinton to prop up your creationist theory, while that isn’t exactly the same creationist theory that Collins holds to. I’m sorry if you can’t recognize the difference.


          • Gee wiz. Just when I was going to compliment your sticking with the dialogue.
            I’m a working stiff who blogs. Please be patient if my responses take time. Here you go.


          • I’m a working stiff, too. So I can relate. When you asked me to read your posts on DNA I thought you meant posts you had written, not links to Creation Ministries. Not that it matters, but I now understand why you didn’t have them readily available.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Also, had you explained that in the beginning I might not have been as impatient. You seemed to have plenty of time to respond with assertions without any citation.

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          • And I can do better than indoctrination. Antianthropoligetic


          • I’m going to have to, once again, disagree with you. If god made us, and we all have his dna, gay people have his dna, too. Or are you saying your God makes mistakes? Anybody can make up words, but if you want to call it Anthropic neutral, then I’d agree with that. Public education is mean to be secular, not theocratic in nature. So teaching kids that they are okay the way they are isn’t antianthropic at all. Rather, it is exactly as it is designed, not invoking any god. But, hey, that’s a really big word you just made up.


          • You lean heavily on pure science alone right? None exists that provides conclusive evidence people are born gay. All they prove is you are not. People without any such biological markers live gray and many with them don’t. Such has been the case for the decades of research. This research always counters it’s premise in the end.

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        • Now you see, I used no charged language like “liberal” and “adolescent” in responding to your comment. I presented reasons. No citations, this is just a blog. But I invite any serious investigator to check out my claims – making sure to read both scholastic materials and apologetic materials and judge for her/himself the verity of my claims. You simply disagree – wow, that is convincing! See, I am responding a bit more on the level you chose.

          Your remark about item 4 of my list is truly ludicrous, you guys got the kiddies in the nursery singing “Jesus Love the Little Children” and “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” before they ever see kindergarten. And you complaining about liberal indoctrination. Again I say, that is simply a laugh.

          There is no “Darwinism” these days. The theory of evolution has developed vastly since his initial efforts. It is however, still referred to as Darwinism as a term of contempt by those unwilling/unable to surrender Iron Age teachings to the discoveries of thousands of unbiased scientists around the world.

          Liked by 5 people

  2. I am loving that unicorn. So sweet. Where do I sign up to love unicorns? 🙂

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  3. This has been something that’s occasionally walloped me over the head a few times. There was somebody a month or two ago running around saying the same thing on the meme: their deity exists because atheists hate it. It’s so disappointing because it’s not even about hating that deity.

    People do terrible things for no other reason than something they imagined commands them to do it. These people are to blame, and not the constructs they create to justify their malevolent actions. All Ray-Ray (that’s my new pet name for him) is trying to do is put the invisible friend in between legitimate criticism and the bad behavior it criticizes.

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    • Memes attempt to condense very complex and nuanced subjects into two sentence sound bites which typically distorts perceptions. Very rarely do I see one that holds an entire truth about a matter. I’m getting really sick of all the “liberal logic” memes I’m seeing floated on social media. They never seem to capture the heart of the matter, rather they miss the point all together.

      People who want to do horrible things will find whatever means to rationalize and justify it. Religion just happens to provide fertile soil for such things.

      Ray-Ray? I like it. It sounds like a good name for a primate.

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  4. It’s an unreasonable meme. Not sure why some people can’t see how flawed it is. I think they just want to believe that even not believing something is proof that their deity exists.

    All you have to do is look at how many articles are out there denouncing deism to see it’s not about the deity or even if a deity exists but about what the dogma is that supports those deities.


  5. where do we put our offerings?


  6. I think these memes are for the faithful. 🙂

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  7. I don’t hate the Christian god God. But I kind of feel sorry for him. He made this pretty little world, filled it with rubbish he had to kill, and wants little minion like ants to sing (badly) at him about he great he is. If it were true, it would just be a wee shame – a ‘poor little Christian god God’ moment.

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  8. All you sorry bitches better start worshipping me because I eat unicorn meat and shit leprechauns!


  9. Wow. Speaking of Liberal. You seem to be pretty liberal with the extremist terminology. You make devoted evangelism sound like jehadists. Talk about hate.


    • No, I think you’re reading into what I said something that isn’t there. Defensive much? Do you espouse the notions of hell? Do you espouse the notion that small children should be exposed to that teaching?


      • In context yes. Jesus loved and died to save us from death and hell. Not much sense in being call Savior or being crucified for others if there isn’t anything to be saved from. Is there?


        • All you’ve done is prove my point. Do I hate you? No. Do I hate God or believe that your God exists? No. What I hate are the ideas put forth in an ancient text which is neither inerrant nor infallible.

          No, there isn’t much sense in a savior not actually saving anyone if there’s nothing to be saved from. But there are other things to be saved from besides hell. Like a hell of our own making, here on earth.

          Love me or burn? Sounds…not at all like love.


          • He loved us first. That is the point. You’re already going to hell without rejecting Him. He intervened before we knew Him.


          • Who created hell, CCT?


          • It was created for Lucifer and the angels who conspired with him to overthrow God as God. Mankind got roped in when Lucifer temped Eve to eat from The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He said, “You will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
            He wanted to be God, he then temped Eve with the same sin and mankind then would suffer the same fate.


          • Created by whom?


          • The inference is clearly God, who is just. I would rather hell didn’t exist, but where would people like Hitler then reside?


          • It was clear to me what the inference is. I just wanted you to be explicit. Earlier you said:

            “You’re already going to hell without rejecting Him. “

            So it’s also clearly inferred from that statement that you don’t believe that only people like Hitler will reside there.

            All of that is filled with the presumption that your book is the right book and that there even is a hell, of course. But for the sake of the argument we’ll pretend that it’s a forgone conclusion.

            It is your contention that without even rejecting him humanity is destined for hell without his intervention, yes?


          • Yes. Becoming conscious of right from wrong after the fall of man has also made us responsible for our wrongs and created sin. Sin seperated us from God who is Holy. We changed. We then all were born with this sin nature Adam and Eve gave us.
            But Jesus didn’t die to make bad people good. He died to make died people live.


          • But you would agree that God made hell for those who reject that love?


          • If you were ever a Christian you would dtill be one. Nobody who has ever become a “new creation” can ever change back. You either still are one or never really where one.


          • I’m aware that many Christians believe that “once saved, always saved, if saved”. That isn’t news to me. I used to believe that as well and understand why anyone who believes that can’t possibly understand or relate to what we call deconversion since you don’t think there’s any such thing.

            However, taken to it’s logical conclusion that means that while I professed Jesus as savior had I died I would have gone to hell since I so easily deny that reality today. Or that means that even so easily denying that reality today if I die I’m going to your imaginary heaven. Doesn’t make much sense when you put it that way, now does it.

            Also, what does that have to do with the question I asked. You’re obfuscating because the simple fact is you don’t want to offend me by telling me you think I’m going to hell. Since I don’t believe that hell is real I’m not really afraid of that threat. It’s pretty hollow.

            I’m just asking, in general, hell wasn’t supposed made just for the Hitler’s of the world, was it? And you’re making the presumption that Hitler is there. He was Catholic, after all. He might have made a last minute confession. He might be in your heaven.


          • I’m not the one who makes the decisions on the Hitlers of this world, but I have a hunch. “You will know them by their fruit. ” is what Christ said. As for heaven and hell? What we choose to believe or not is irrelevant to the truth. I risk nothing. You risk everything.


          • Correction:

            Who, according to your beliefs, created hell?

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    • If you’d like to expound on what is different about your religion, I’m all ears.


      • Jesus saves us by His work on the cross because He loved us. All other religions require you to be good enough to earn eternal life. And, in Christianity, we love Him because He first loved us.


        • Sigh…you’ve only read the one post, I take it?

          I was a Christian(Southern Baptist, so evangelical, dyed in the wool) for 20+ years. Do you think there’s anything you’re saying here that is news to me?

          What would be news to me is that objective, verifiable evidence you think exists. What would that be?

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          • Okay. Read a few of mine on DNA.


          • Provide me with the links, please. I’ve read your latest post about Dr. Francis Collins. I think you might be taking some liberties there. He also subscribes to an old earth and to the Theory of Evolution.

            Keep in mind that you came here to challenge me. I didn’t look you up. For the record, though, I think you’ve missed the point of this post. I don’t believe your God exists and I don’t hate your God. I hate ideas that you seem to believe your God has commanded you internalize and preach to others.

            If you seek to prove your God exists then you’re the one who will need to provide that evidence.


          • DNA is submitted as evidence in courts of law. I say the complexity of DNA is evidence for God the same as Collins did in his book from which I merely quoted.


          • Do you have any more links? And, yes, you quoted Collins out of context. While he(and he would be one of a few) believes that DNA is evidence of God in us there are many more who do not. Is it wise to take the word of one man simply because he confirms your bias? Have you read and dissected opposing views? Where are your posts on those?


          • Explain. Specifically. Because it is clear.


          • Are you asking me to explain? Or is this your explanation? Did you have any more links to your posts on DNA? Or am I supposed to take your word for it because you read a book and selectively quoted from it? Do you subscribe to the Theory of Evolution? Dr. Francis Collins does. Shouldn’t that be enough to settle it? He’s a foremost genetic expert, after all.


          • We don’t have the same cosmology, Collins and I.


          • Creation Ministries is good. I like the “Dawkins Stumped” video myself.


          • Very legalistic sect of Christianity


          • Of course they are. I wasn’t a very good Southern Baptist as I didn’t adhere to all their legalism, even as a Deacon’s wife, though I was a member of their denomination.


          • Sorry to hear that. Judging by my Twitter followers, Baptists typically don’t like me. Some exceptions though, but very few. I irritate them more than I do Snarkenaten.


    • “You make devoted evangelism sound like jehadists.”

      I’m not the one who is using terminology like, “War on Christianity,” and “War on Christmas,” and “Culture War.” Much of evangelicalism does use those terms. I used to be a faithful listener to AFR and the Wildmons and Dr. James Dobson. They’re always and forever waging some kind of war. From where I sit a lot of evangelicals are simply a suicide vest short of jihad. In fact they have waged a jihad of sorts. So from where I sit the hate is coming from the very ones who were commanded to do what? Love your neighbor as yourself. Y’all are failing miserably at that because what you seek to do is make everyone conformist. That is not love. I don’t care how much wrapping paper or how many bows you put on it.

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      • Oh man. I listemed to Don Wildmon’s “That’s What Christians Do Now”on Youtube. My thesis is to be Christ Centered. Jesus is the answer to everything. Don Wildmon never once mentioned Christ in any way shape or form. I can safely say he represents the antithesis of Christ Centeredness. Wildmon’s line he repeated throughout the message was,”I go to church.The preacher preaches.I go home. Thats what Christians do now”, is the stereotypical Legalistic guilt centered poison many religious organizations spew. Christ took our guilt on the cross. Wildmon never once mentions or remotely mentioned Jesus here.


      • Dobson had good intentions but his focus should have been on Christ, who is the solution to all that plagues mankind. To, “focus on the family”, is good but is only focusing on the problems. I quit Dobson when I realized his lack of Christ Centeredness.
        My heart breaks at the thought of the logical outcome of the loss of purpose the church has had on society and the world.


      • People under Wildmon’s ministry, “Went to church, heard the Legalistic preacher preach a Legalistic sermon, and went home without knowing Christ or what true Christianity is.


        • Please don’t try to analyze my situation by listening to Don Wildmon. I listened to AFR Radio. There are many teachers on there, not just him or Dobson. He was not my preacher. I had my own preacher as I went to Church on Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night. Before you think you need to say it, I know that didn’t make me a Christian. I never thought it did. I did believe Christ’s death on the cross was my salvation. Nothing more did I think I needed. So, really, while I was somewhat influenced by teaching(by many different teachers) there was much I disagreed with that I didn’t take to heart because from my own reading of scripture it just didn’t ring true.

          Now, having said all that, learning the history of how the Bible has been assembled, learning the errors in the Bible, learning about other cultures and verifiable history, science, archaeology, etc., has changed my view on the fact that the Bible can be trusted to be “The Word of God”. No, I did not worship the Bible, either. But that is where I learned about Jesus, about Yahweh, and about salvation. I do not now view it as a trustworthy means to know anything about any supposed God nor salvation.

          Do not waste your time trying to tell me that if I’d only had the “right” Christianity I’d have remained in the faith. There is no “right” Christianity. They all think they’re right. They all claim the Holy Spirit. I spent a great deal of time searching out what is true, what is an illusion, and what is pure nonsense.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Well, this is the man making those remarks, so I think it’s safe to say we can ignore him

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    • I certainly don’t take Ray Comfort seriously. That happens to be his quote but that is not a minority position in evangelical/fundamentalist circles. That reasoning is certainly not original to him. Has he had an original idea? Maybe the bananas? If that was his original idea he should stick to parroting other people’s ideas. So, sure, we can discount banana man. It’s the idea and the thought process behind it that I was trying to show for the silliness that it is. My new friend has totally missed the point.

      Liked by 3 people

  11. Love it! I especially love the fact that each of us ”God-Haters” has their own Little Dipshit For Jesus to play with; your’s being this Gigantic Knob CCT.
    I can’t count the times I have been asked why I hate ‘God’ or what happened in my life that made me ‘hate God’.
    It was a frequent question posed by James( Isaiah project) and his Confused Cohorts when I first read his blog. They cannot seem to conceptualize the idea that one cannot genuinely hate something one does not believe in.
    That said, from a purely literary fiction point of view I think the god of the bible ( in each manifestation) sucks big time. If this ranks as hate, then yeah, sign me up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • CCT has completely missed the point of this post.

      Would you be willing to love the cute unicorn, though?


      • Hello, Dipshit. How are things on your planet?


        • Y’all are crakin’ me up… 😀

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        • Earth’s going global everything man. Come down some time and check it out. How’s things in Snarkansas?


          • I thought Snarkansas was the name of your current Christian Denomination where you were encouraged to marry your cousin and breed like rabbits to stop the ”liberals, fags, Muslims and Jews” from taking over – ye haw. How’s that working by the way?


          • Hey, I’m just trying to communicate with you on your own level. You seem incapable of moving out the whole insults and adolescent remarks thing. Funny how atheists claim reason is on their side of the argument. But then I’ve always known the first one to resort to insults has nothing intelligent left to say.


          • I have tried evidence, and that doesn’t work; I referred experts, you lot never seem interested, I point to history, who cares? I have even appealed to old fashioned common sense, which is invariably greeted with resounding indifference.
            So, when that point in the conversation is reached I normally jettison the well- behaved adult stuff and appeal to something you all seem to understand. And if you behave like a Dickhead then Dickhead it shall be.


          • Whatever you gave in the beginning of your reply with the one hand, you took back with the other hand in your final sentence.


          • But you are a Christian, for the gods’ sake – you should know all about taking as your religion has been doing it for a couple of thousand years. Why so surly?


          • Oh I do Ark. For instance, Jesus said, “No man takes my life from me, but I lay it down freely.”
            And you also take. You take it for granted that there is no God, and that you don’t need Christ. Thst there is nobody who created us all whom we will all face because He is just, and He will settle all injustices. You take it for granted that there is no ultimate justice in the end.


          • I base my beeifs n evidence – or in the case f the god man, no evidence.
            You on the other hand have a presuppositional belief based on either childhood indoctrination or adult credulity.
            You cannot posibly change your world view without suffering severe cognitive dissonance.
            I on the other hand only need evidence and I will genuinely re -consider.
            So, you got any, or are you going to hand wave?


          • 3.2 billion bits of the most sophisticated information with order known to man. DNA is inside you and I. I have never heard even one good responce as to why DNA exists.
            The idea that time plus matter plus chance produced DNA is increasingly being considered ridiculous. Ask Francis Collins, lead scientist who mapped the human DNA.


          • The genome project settled once and for all the nonsense of Adam and Eve.
            Got anything else?


          • Here you go, Fred Flintstone, this should clear up any lingering theological doubts you might have, and there aren’t too many big words either.

            And the nice thing about there being no original Adam and Eve is that it also clears up the Original Sin problem – there isn’t any of that either, as it too was Made Up.
            Oooh, and suddenly … Salvation is right in the Spotlight isn’t it?
            Doesn’t bode well for that epileptic lying son-of-a-bitch tent-maker Saul of Tarsus.
            Go on, knock yourself out and learn something. It’ll make a nice change for you.



          • Oh come on. I thought you would bring some scholarly peer reviewed articles or something like that. A WordPress contest?


          • You are unaware of Coyne’s credentials?
            My, my.
            Isn’t Collins good enough for you?
            This is the trouble with fundamentalists like you, they refuse to recognise truth even when it slaps them in the face.
            I am surprised you didn’t adk to ”Phor a friend”.
            Why not have a chat with Ken Ham – he’s just about at your intellectual level I should imagine.
            Peer reviewed? Are you shitting me?
            Do you know anything about the genome project and what it involved?
            You think it wasn’t peer reviewed?
            And you want a peer reviewed paper backing the negation of Adam and Eve?

            What a silly person you truly are.


          • Not a fundy as you regard fundys. El Snarko


          • Oh, if we are trading peer reviews here how about a Peer Review backing Genesis?
            I won’t hold my breath …

            Liked by 1 person

          • Done. Phd and all. Not the same peers that tell you what your cognitive dissonance can tolerate though. Fair warning. Man you get testy. Like I keep saying. Talk like an adult. Try and be civil. Call me Fred Flintstone if thats the best you can do. But you three can cool your collective jets a little. Not only am I a working stiff, I’m also a full time student. You don’t need to write reems of pontifications in between responses, unless of course that’s your thing Club, Mike, Ark.


          • Oh. Sorry. Club and Mike are elsewhere.


          • Anyways. Collins never took a formal position on this.


          • Yes I know … of course he didn’t otherwise his version of god-belief (which is lie yours, as t happens) would have been flushed down the tubes, and rightly so. Goddamn cowardly fence-sitter. But what about the rest of the scientific community involved?
            It wasn’t just him and a couple of Crispyians in a lab, now was it?

            You are peeing in the wind, CCT, and you know it.


          • The position of one side or the other is simply in the theoretical stage. Claims have been made in both directions. Now each claim must be tested before conclusion is final. I already know which way it will go. 100% sure.


          • Then why, if you know Adam and Eve is simply an historical fiction are you arguing for Creationism?


          • Thats not the case. I believe Adam and Eve are historical fact. We all came from them


          • But they are not historical, Dipshit and that is a proven fact.
            ICR and its cronies are trying to prove the historicity of characters in a frakking story, for the gods sake!

            The entire Pentateuch is a work of historical fiction. It was written in the 6th or 7th century by Jews for Jews, 85% of whom admit it is simply a story.
            Find me a rabbi who will put into writing that the Exodus as per biblical specs is fact.
            What sort of a bone-head are you?
            YOu make me laugh outloud.


          • Wise up Arko. Here’s one atheist who did.
            “I now believe there is a God…I now think it [the evidence] does point to a creative Intelligence almost entirely because of the DNA investigations. What I think the DNA material has done is that it has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements to work together.”
            Antony Flew


          • Lol, Dear Old Ant.

            Bless his cotton socks and shit on the heads of Habermas and that utter dickhead Lee Strobel for trying to make him confess to acknowledging their god.

            Do you also have an inciteful comment for the several million Christians and multitude of clergy who have already deconverted and stated emphatically that what you preach is utter bullshit?

            Ruth is one such.
            And Flew claimed he had joined the deists.
            This is a far cry from your acknowledging man-god, Jesus of Nowhere.
            Understand this, Dipshit, I have no issues if you want to be a deist. None whatsoever.
            This way you can live out your life in your head.
            But please, once again, try not to father any offspring until you grow up and join the real world. There is enough
            heartache in the world as it is without you fucking up a child’s life with your creationist nonsense. Okay?


          • Yes. Listen to reason and engage in civil conversations.
            This advice from a recent interview with an Atheist. I found this last week in fact.
            Interviewer –
            “You’re an atheist, and yet I don’t ever see you sneer at religion in the way that the very aggressive atheist class right now often will. What do you make of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and the religion critics who seem not to have respect for religions for faith?”
            “I regard them as adolescents. I say in the introduction to my last book, “Glittering Images”, that “Sneering at religion is juvenile, symptomatic of a stunted imagination.”  It exposes a state of perpetual adolescence that has something to do with their parents– they’re still sneering at dad in some way.”
            Paglia and I are worlds away in our worldviews, but we could at least talk.


          • You’ve had 2000 years to grandstand and still you have jack-shit to offer in the form of evidence and reason. Get over yourself, Dipshit.
            There’s no point whining to me.
            Your views and religion deserve neither respect nor the time of day.
            Your religion is corrupt and responsible for abusing children.
            And I could not give a flying fuck for your Creationism. Your kind hurt people.
            And remember …. try to stay out of the gene pool. Even the shallow end. It’s for the good of mankind, after all.


          • Oh, and I never had any cause to sneer at my dad while growing up. He is one helluva bloke. and I respect him immensely. We get on famously.

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          • Hello!?! I finally have the pleasure of meeting the real Ark? Like the one with all the nice pictures and pleasant words? Helluva bloke. 🙂


          • I agree. This doesn’t mean I cannot despise religion.
            I despise war don’t see the point in eating animals and I’m not too fond of Manchester United either. So what?

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          • Hey, CCT, why don’t you pop over and offer a ( proper ) answer to the post I’ve put up.
            Seriously, I have never had a Christian willing to be honest enough, or who fully understands the history, to answer it.
            If you are not interested in offering an answer, no probs.


          • Gees Snark. I don’t see anything scholarly here. BTW, I tried to visit your site but ended up at one with all kinds of nice pictures and kind words. It can’t be the same Arkenaten?


          • Hey, Dipshit, of course it’s the same one. There are even a few religious posts too.
            But these might give you a touch of cognitive dissonance so be careful.


          • https://www.icr.org/article/7685/ You might have a bit of science bias so be careful. Temper temper Snarko


          • You refer me to this site? RFLMAO.
            You’re a fucking idiot. We’re done. Enjoy the delusion.


          • Your undue dependence on expletives betrays the fact that you have nothing of substance left to say. You want me to consider opinions from liberal scientists, but reject opinions of conservative scientists? Ark in the dark. Afraid of the light?


          • LOl. No, I can be as erudite as I choose with all the big words too. I just really enjoy telling Creationist idiots to fuck off.
            Liberal scientists!!
            Oh, dear.
            You have yet to offer or mention any scientist other than Collins.
            Why not read what Dawkins says about the Genome Project and Adam and Eve?
            He is one of the better ones i the field.

            What next, a lesson on Noah’s Ark?

            I hope you do not have access to children.
            And if not, please for gods’ sake, do not enter the gene pool. Even at the shallow end.


          • “For instance, if an ancient woman had only sons, then her mitochondrial DNA would disappear, even though the son would pass on a quarter of her DNA via the rest of his genome.)” here’s why Snark


  12. Aw, Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron’s hero. I’ve see him in person. It was back in the late 90s when I lived in Nashville. He was at the most domineering and manipulative church I have ever been apart of and if you know my church history, that’s saying a lot!

    I remember Ray promoting those Titanic tracts. It was in the hopes that someone might pick one up, thinking it was related to the film, and find Jesus. That’s right, deception to win over converts. I put it in the same vein as those tracts that look like money.

    Ruth girl, where did your proselytizer come from? I love those who talk about the “gay agenda”, they’re my favorite. Maybe what Christian business men and woman need to do is have potential clients fill out a survey when entering their businesses:

    (according to their doctrine)
    Have you had sex outside of marriage? (fornication)
    Have you had an affair with someone other than your spouse? (adultery)
    Is this your second marriage? (adultery)
    Have you ever lusted after someone? (adultery)

    However, we all know that they will not do that, homosexuality seems to be the REAL “abomination” because that’s what their pet preachers and politicians have told them. Recently, we’ve had a couple of people quit their jobs here in the Mid-south because they refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. These were workers who were at their jobs for years. In all that time they must have issued licenses to all kinds of people who were breaking the trophy ten commandments, but homosexuality just made them quit.

    To those who refuse business to anyone for any reason, especially “sin”, I say these two things about their own faith that they seem to forget: “Judgement begins at the house of God” and “the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.”

    It sounds to me as though they don’t have much faith in their faith.


    • I don’t know where he came from. I assume one of my tags attracted him.

      Yes, homosexuality and same-sex marriage just seems to be the abomination du jour. At one time it was sex out of wedlock, then divorce, then remarriage, and now it’s same-sex marriage. There wasn’t much the religious crowd could do to prevent any of those other things, either. Now most of them participate in the majority of those things. Sure, they call it sin but it’s not nearly as bad as same-sex marriage. And all they have to do is tell their God they’re sorry and poof! it’s all better.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I have been reading one of Jack Spong’s books. He commented that he had received 16 death threats, all of them from evangelical Christians,


  14. CCT and Ark,

    I’ve been fairly busy and haven’t had time to keep up with the conversation, nor contribute to it thoughtfully. CCT, suffice it to say that a lot of what you keep spilling out is what I used to believe. I really don’t care if you think I was a Christian or not, or whether you think I still am but just don’t know it. I am what I am. The one thing you don’t seem to cotton on to very well, though, is that even given Francis Collins’ idea that DNA is the language of what he calls God and what many might call an intelligent designer, it is still quite a far leap to assume you know anything about the designer at all. It’s a a very deep and wide crevasse between the possibility of a force beyond nature which might have set the universe in motion and Yahweh. You see, I started my journey to where I am now biased in the belief that there is a God. I was even biased against an old earth and evolution. I have been and continue to be skeptical of scientific claims. Without repeatable, verifiable, experimental results it is all mere speculation or hypothesis. But your continued claim that evolution has been disproved is just blatantly wrong.


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