Out From Under the Umbrella

playing in the rain

Just Hum, Hum, Humming Along


So I’ve been hella busy lately.  I’ve got some posts in the works but haven’t had the time to polish them off like I’d like to.  I’ve been visiting around and commenting sparsely in the blogosphere.  In my down time I’ve been trying in vain to capture a blog-worthy photo of these busy little hummers that frequent our feeder.  After about a bazillion attempts these were the best I could come up with:

hummer4 hummer3 hummer2 hummerThese beautiful and awesome little creatures brighten my day so I’m putting them here for you to enjoy.

39 thoughts on “Just Hum, Hum, Humming Along

  1. Great to hear from you, Ruth!!

    Love the little hummers. . .aren’t they something else? We have skylights in our verandah roof and we have to keep a big net-scoop on hand, as they frequently get up in them and have to be rescued. They are fascinating little creatures, though!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. They seem to be all over the place in your part of the world. Read a post earlier today, cute vids on there, scroll down past the snow:


    Hope you are well in spite of your busyness 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • They do seem to be all over. They’re migratory so they won’t hang about here for very long I don’t think. Maybe a month or so. I followed your link. I would have thought the snow would be too cold for them!

      I am quite well. It’s good busyness. 😀


  3. I think they have arrived here already. Have seen some small things beep boppin’ around our airspace. 🙂 Been very warm weather. Could get cool for them again though this week. Will have to get our feeders out soon, though right now they’re getting nectar galore from the blossoms.

    I love digital camera’s. We can take a bazillion photos. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely! Do you get different kinds? It looks like it from the photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We get different kinds but I think these are all ruby-throated hummingbirds. I’m pretty sure this is the same little female. The lighting just makes her look a bit different.


  5. Those are some nice photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Impressive! They’re not easy to capture.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Over the summer in the Texas Hill Country (Kerrville), three or four different breeds of hummingbirds feed at my Mom’s — I’ve been buzzed several times when wearing a “bright colored” hat or shirt! She’s a very avid bird-watcher & has tons of feeders everywhere, along with bird baths. The most spectacular thing though is when either her sprinkler-system is on OR she/we are out watering the flower gardens with a hose… they will literally come right up to you and bathe in the mist and spray within arm’s reach.

    Great post Ruth! 🙂


  8. Ruby throated they are.
    Without a humongous telephoto and a steady hand almost impossible to shoot, so I’m told.
    You did a pretty good job.
    Must get me one of those feeders for the sunbirds that visit our spot.
    They look terrific.

    Do they have a special name? Are they available all over?


  9. Hi Ruth! Welcome back. Great photos…hummingbirds always so amazing.


    • Hello, Swarn! Thanks! They are so cute, darting around here and there. I think they might have moved on now, though. I’ve been told to keep my feeder up for others migrating through.

      Liked by 1 person

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