Out From Under the Umbrella

playing in the rain

The Good Ol’ Days


Donald Trump’s surrogates and campaign supporters claim that his words have not incited violence and that it is, instead, the other side – Bernie Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s supporters(the far left) – who have perpetuated violence.

His talking heads on the news networks are likening his words inciting violence to women wearing short skirts asking for rape.  Which, according to them, isn’t true at all.  Women don’t ask for rape by wearing revealing clothing.  Except that’s what these same talking heads have been saying is exactly the case.  Every Evangelical I know implores women to dress modestly because it causes men to have thoughts.  And women are responsible for what happens to them when men have thoughts.

I would argue that what Trump has done in his rallies is much different than that, though.  If a woman wears a short skirt and walks past a man and yells, “Come on, rape me, I dare you,” then, yes, she is, quite literally asking to be raped. No woman in her right mind would actually do that. And, I would argue, if the man raped her he would still be responsible for his actions, but she couldn’t be absolved of her participation in the act either.

That Trump would actively call for his supporters to punch dissidents in the face, that he’s offered to pay their legal fees, is exactly endorsing violence.  Apparently, though, while he believes that his own words don’t cause anyone to participate in violence, he does believe that a protester’s words do.  His supporters are only reacting to the protesters.  He is “having his people look into”  the seventy-eight year-old coldcocker’s legal situation and quite possible offering to pay his legal fees because the protester provoked the old man by taunting the crowd and flipping the bird at the crowd as he was being escorted out of Trump’s rally.

Let me get this straight:  Donald Trump’s provocative words do not cause reactions.  Protester’s provocative actions do.

I in no way condone the protesters disrupting or causing violence during these rallies.  But I also know from personal experience that bullies cannot be reasoned with.  You can’t ask a bully nicely not to take your lunch money.  Minorities know this, too.

If black students in the sixties hadn’t had the courage to sit at lunch counters instead of their designated seating areas in the back of restaurants they’d still be sitting there today.

If  Rosa Parks had quietly moved to the back of the bus and given up her seat for a white bus rider, blacks would likely still be relegated to the back of the bus.

If Amzie Moore and Fannie Lou Hamer hadn’t actively pushed her counterparts for voter registration minorities wouldn’t have a voice at the ballot box.

If not for planned marches on Washington and Selma, Alabama many blacks would still not be eligible to register to vote, among many other things.  Do we need a reminder of what those things looked like?

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Donald Trump keeps saying he longs for the good old days.  Is this what he means?  You, know, the good ol’ days when protesters were carried out on stretchers?


62 thoughts on “The Good Ol’ Days

  1. It”s like the man said: For every reaction there is an action…

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  2. I wonder Ruth if even one of his supporters has changed their mind about Trump?

    We had enough of it while in Florida, but this a.m. I hear it on our own news. We caught just a bit of U.S. network news on our travels home and couldn’t believe what we heard him saying. I said to Biker Dude, “He just said that!? . . . and now he’s saying the same thing over again.” He makes me sick to my stomach.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not sure about that. I would hope that someone who might have been supporting him solely because of his economic position might give pause and at least have a second thought about that. I’d venture to guess, though, that it is his larger than life, bombastic, personality which his supporters find so attractive.

      I think he’s gone worldwide. He says something, then he seems to walk it back, then he doubles down on whatever it was. I’m not even sure he knows or remembers from one rally to the next what he’s said in the one before.

      Liked by 2 people

      • This part here:

        […] He says something, then he seems to walk it back, then he doubles down on whatever it was. I’m not even sure he knows or remembers from one rally to the next what he’s said in the one before.”

        This reminds me of someone very close to me. 😦 I imagine you’ll know who I mean. (Not Biker Dude btw, to those who are wondering.)

        I tend to believe he knows exactly how repetitive he is. It reminds me of church. You know the choruses where by the time we’ve sang them a dozen times the preacher nods to the pianist to keep it going until every last person heads up for an altar call. Over and over until the brain can’t escape and it becomes so routine and everyone ends up high on a chemical happy glazed over nirvana.

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  3. I don’t know Ruth, but his words provide the excuse for the action. He can’t be left off the hook so lightly

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    • I thought that’s what I was saying. I agree. While we should all be held accountable for our own actions, like toad said, for every action there is an opposite reaction. Sometimes not so equal. I never thought I’d be agreeing with Hillary Clinton but it is very much like Political Arson. It’s like he struck a match, threw it on gasoline, and then threw his hands up and stepped back and said, “It’s got nothing to do with me.” I call b.s.

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  4. There was no need for the protesters to show up. People take time out of their schedules to see that person and it is rude for the protesters to disrupt that. I was shocked when a Black Lives Matter group jumped on stage at a Sanders rally. He stepped back and gave her the podium! The supporters didn’t drive all that way to hear her, they were there for Bernie! She should have been removed immediately. Her conduct was appalling.

    BLM condone violence against the very people that protect us. They are a violent group. Many of Trumps supporters are low educated people. This will come off as offensive, but fighting is no big deal for them. They will drink on the weekend, have a bar brawl, go home. Same can be said with for the other side. There are those that hate whites, have gang fights, thinks violence is acceptable. So when you have one side (that’s prone to violence) show up to a rally where there are some (that are prone to violence) shit is going to happen.

    I myself think it’s stupid that both sides get so worked up. Rap songs say way more worse things about blacks and women than anything Trump has said, is moveon or BLM going to those studios to violently protest? Who is heard more, Trump or violent and sexist songs?

    I don’t think Trump should tell his supporters to punch anyone. I’m more of letting the order side make a fool of themselves and have my security lead them out. It gets us no where, it divides us. But I’m not shocked to see those that drove to see someone speak getting pissed at those that have only showed up to disrupt. Fight with your vote.


    • Let’s back up a little, here. I’m not sure if you read my post previous to this one. I’m not now, nor will I ever condone violence. I even said in this post that I disagree with people disrupting his rallies from INSIDE the rally. But I will defend all day, every day, and twice on Sunday the protesters’ right to peacefully assemble outside of these or any other rallies including Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

      I realize that there is a subset in this and probably every other country for which violence is part of their culture. Shouldn’t we be trying to change that culture rather than just saying that boys will be boys and looking the other way? Shouldn’t we call it out whether it’s white or black? Shouldn’t the people seeking to hold the highest office in our country be setting an example instead of encouraging it?

      I think the guy who rushed the stage in Dayton was an idiot. I completely disagree with the protesters going inside his events and causing disturbances. But history has shown us time and again that minority groups do have to make some sort of a scene to even be acknowledged. Blacks tried to ask nicely to sit at the lunch counter.

      All I am saying with this post is that while we are each one responsible for our own actions, we can’t be taken completely off the hook when we say things to which others react.

      Liked by 4 people

      • I read your other other post too and saw where u said both sides are wrong. My point (ugh, I’m doing this on my phone too, so maybe it wasn’t clear) that the groups that feel the need to disrupt Trump rallies because they think he’s racist and sexist don’t do the same to other outlets (ie. Music) These same youth will play and sing along lyrics that are far worse than anything Trump or Sanders had said!

        Also, would anyone approve of anti abortion groups doing violence to get acknowledged? I think it’s wrong. We are in a society that violence is no longer needed. We have laws that protect every color and every gender. Protests outside a facility is one thing, but inside is just asking for trouble. You and I agree on this, but I know many anti Trump feel the protesters did nothing wrong with disrupting the event. I didn’t like it done to Sanders and I don’t like it done to Trump. The protesters are hurting their cause, whatever it is.

        One more example, I haven’t seen gays resort to violence and look at how things are changing for them. I feel most people respond better and are willing to listen when violence isn’t present. When people can see, we are still the same, we are humans!

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        • Hi sallybr0wn,

          I just read your Gravatar profile introduction and I want to say, Well done and I applaud you. On this particular point too…

          *sidenote: In the 10th grade I had an English teacher that would challenge us to think. I am in the deep south, so of course Christianity is the thing. He never did tell us we shouldn’t believe in Jesus, he would just tell us to think. That if we are going to be Christians, we needed to know why we were.

          That 10th grade teacher was wise. We don’t always teach WHAT you are to think, but the good ones teach you, help you in HOW to think from multiple points-of-view. 🙂

          Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.—- V for Vendetta

          And to be more specific… all knowledge, no matter how outlandish or opposed it may first appear or sound. The more info and facts you have to work with the better the plausible or compelling conclusion.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. My point (ugh, I’m doing this on my phone too, so maybe it wasn’t clear) that the groups that feel the need to disrupt Trump rallies because they think he’s racist and sexist don’t do the same to other outlets (ie. Music)

    I do not listen to that kind of music and that is my way of boycotting. I’m not going to contribute my dollars to that. Having said that, musicians are not going to be determining our laws and formulating the policies that affect their civil liberties. So while it may be true that certain genres of music are sexist, promote violence, these musicians aren’t putting themselves up to be the leader of the free world. That is comparing apples to oranges in my opinion.

    These same youth will play and sing along lyrics that are far worse than anything Trump or Sanders had said!

    It’s possible that you’re right about this, but it’s also possible that you’re wrong. This is an awfully big presumption.

    Also, would anyone approve of anti abortion groups doing violence to get acknowledged?

    No. Violence is unacceptable. Period. If Bernie Sanders said he wished for the good ole days where protesters were carried off in stretchers, or that he’d like to punch someone in the face, I’d be saying the same things about him. I agree with you that those protesters who are disrupting rallies are hurting their own cause. They are allowing Trump to play the victim. I would caution, though, that that is a classic sign of narcissism; making provocative statements, threats, bullying and then playing the victim when people get upset about it.

    Yes, things are changing for the LGBT community. But they’ve had to protest, they’ve had to scrape and claw their way to the little success they’ve had. No, they haven’t resorted to violence. There is no place for that. But they haven’t asked nicely, either. Because when you are the oppressed group asking nicely doesn’t work. And how much progress do you think there is when our own politicians are still opposing their rights? Not as much as you seem to think. Why should they even have to struggle in such a way to gain acknowledgement of their civil liberties? Why are they not just as endemic as anyone else’s?

    Liked by 2 people

    • As a gay person, I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned the Stonewall Riots. I mean, it was only the pivotal moment that sparked off the entire modern gay liberation and is the whole reason Pride marches happen in June, and yes, it was violent. It was throw rocks and smash bottles violent. The police were conducting regular raids on known havens for queer folk, and many of those were the only safe place for homeless teenagers to crash, because as gay or trans people, many of the normal resources set up for homeless and impoverished people were cut off from them. After months of witnessing police brutality, something snapped at Stonewall, and they fought back.

      I bring this up because I was shocked that so many intelligent people went right past these comments without pointing out this huge event, and I was wondering why. Furthermore, given that so many of the Black Lives Matter protests are peaceful, why are we making such a big deal about the violence there? My best friend lives in Baltimore, and can attest that the protests were largely peaceful, and the rioting only started when it was breaking up. It was a few amped up teens making trouble, and then of course the media made it the central story, putting the peaceful protesters in an awkward position of having to sound as if they were defending the protests just in order to redirect people to the actual point of a human being dying from police brutality. I have spoken to a lot of other black activists who are frustrated at the way this is a pattern in black civil rights; MLK himself didn’t get much attention until the Black Panthers entered the scene.

      Gays and blacks have both been the targets of violence throughout the years, but gays haven’t had to get violent just to get attention. People were shocked just by seeing people come out in public. That shock could turn into acceptance over the long decades. This is why we could remain largely nonviolent. It’s the whole “no publicity is bad publicity thing.” Gay activists get publicity, negative or positive, more easily than black activists. Furthermore, I think because gays aren’t seen as physically threatening, people choose to forget events like Stonewall when they happen. Black activists get hit both ways; ignored when they just politely say “please stop killing us” while violent events that fit preexisting stereotypes get to define them, with instances of self-defense and vengeance getting lumped together indiscriminately.

      The LGBT movement was fully capable of turning violent, and we are not a bunch of saints who would never have stooped to violence if nonviolence proved ineffective. We have the same mixture of gems and asshats as any other movement. Which I suppose brings me back to the original point. Society shapes us all. Does that absolve those of us who fall from responsibility? Of course not. But society doesn’t get to reinforce violence and get absolved of that responsibility either.

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      • Thank you for your thoughtful and elucidating comment. I’m going to plead complete ignorance of the Stonewall Riots. I’m not sure why I didn’t know about this, other than the fact that a)I wasn’t born until the seventies which means I didn’t see or hear about it in the news and b)the subject matter has been(due to discrimination) so taboo that it isn’t taught in public school history classes. The Civil Rights Movement of the African-Americans, on the other hand, is taught freely and liberally. But I would point out that all the aspects of that were not taught, either, because the subject of interracial relationships has also been taboo. I have Googled it and will be taking a new American Civics course!

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  6. You read my mind- I’ve been hearing Trump zombies reminisce of the “good ol’ days” and all I can think of is white nuclear families with evangelical dispositions (in other words- a WASPy world) 🤔 Lol ewww- no thanks. I like the diversity we have- and progress we have worked so hard for- no going backwards. Most of the BLM protestors didn’t exert force or violence- it was the “redneck” whites who reacting to the BLM protestors simply being there that incited the violence.

    For those who do not know what WASP is- it’s a White Anglo Saxon Protestant; they have been the majority for a long time and are losing grips on their reign of Puritanism in this country so they are freaking out basically. That’s IMHO of course…Trump apparently represents their anger at losing said perceived control…

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    • “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”

      — Brian Sims, Member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives representing Center City Philadelphia’s 182nd District. A Democrat, in 2012 Sims became the first openly LGBT person elected to the General Assembly in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s 237 year history.

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  7. I am a complete believer/follower of non-violent protests at any public gathering. Along with non-violent protesting, I also believe/support respectful (yet firm & tactful) verbal contentions, NOT slandering rude disrespectful screaming — which usually incites violence if not kept in total check. Both American and global societies, have had two iconic examples of non-violent well-informed civil protest to mimick: (1) Mahatma Gandhi and (2) Martin Luther King, Jr. When violence broke-out within or connected to their many civil protests, both men denounced the violence; they wanted no part of it. When kept peaceful, both of their methods achieved major change with a lesser degree of human life lost. All ‘violent’ social changes — i.e. revolutions, wars, etc. — have substantial loss of life by comparison. Clearly Gandhi and King, Jr. own and set precedence for the HIGHEST road for protesters to mimick. No brainer.

    Though I understand the origin of the rage and anger the anti-(t)Rump protesters possess, the instant it turns violent… it is the violent party that greatly WEAKENS, even undermines, their own entire dispute. It is rendered a “lower road taken”, less pure/inspiring, and less impactful for the change intended. With violence your opponents will naturally grow more callous, possibly fixed forever.

    The same can be said for any other social or political parties who allow slandering screaming contention on another. Unfortunately, for the iconic non-violent protester there is a risk of physcial harm or death, as both Gandhi and King, Jr. experienced. 😦

    Sometimes Ruth, I’m not so sure the “Good Ol’ Days” are actually old and gone. 😉

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    • This is exactly what I was saying. You just said it better with fewer words. lol

      I do not condone or agree with violence. Protests in and of themselves need not be violent. That is the only means, sometimes, minority groups have for expressing their dissent in a away that calls attention to the problem at hand. Quietly going to vote on a secret ballot just won’t cut it. As the minority they will never be able to effect change if they don’t speak up.

      No, Professor. Unfortunately I don’t think the good ol’ days are gone. So much for #racismisdead.

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      • “Speaking up.” Completely agree with you Ruth. 🙂

        However, HOW does one speak up?

        I just had a long discussion, Q&A, and of course some disagreements with my Mom and daughter about civil political protesting and how it is most effective. No surprise, most of my disagreements were with my daughter :/ , as you would know. But toward the end of the dialogue/debate I eventually reverted back to my elementary-middle school teaching experiences, some high school grades as a substitute, regarding civil produtive debating skills learned and/or taught in Texas public schools.

        Here is my primary point… When disagreements happen in our public schools, even when they turn violent, they are a clear reflection of (very?) poor communication skills, human virtues not practiced or learned, and not enough listening taking place. What contributes to those three behaviours, or unexhibited behaviours?

        With poor communication skills, that typically means the speaker cannot adequately convey their message in multiple forms and concepts that their listener/audience can thoroughly understand. Language(s). It could also mean the listener/audience also doesn’t know how to ask many questions if confused. Again, sufficient or highly refined communication skills and critical-thinking skills, or the lack thereof. That is also a reflection of EDUCATION either in the schools and/or at home then USED adequately at home and publicly. Debating lessons in classrooms are a superb way for students to achieve basic or above-basic skills for debating. These learned skills naturally lead into outstanding human virtues taught, learned, then practiced.

        With exceptional human virtues comes influence and leadership. The benefits of this are obvious.

        And with excellent listening, being able to dissect, breakdown, and reverbalize in sensible forms of questions or reframing, ALSO requires being taught those tools in middle and high school, and certainly in undergraduate classes, that is public universities. But with private and charter schools, or private universities/colleges for that matter, there is no guarantee or enforcement of exceptional quality Common Core Standards being taught and upheld. And here is my next point…

        When these three basic skills are not generally standardized and taught — i.e. teachings which HINT of inequality and segregation — then disagreements and conflict quickly turn violent. Why? Because the party which initiates the violence almost always lacks the skill-sets (and intelligence?) to remain peaceful throughout. At that point, they usually resort to bullying; at least that’s what history has always shown.

        Texas is one of seven states that refuse (over and over repeatedly) to adopt Common Core Standards for their public curriculums. See the ProCon.org website here: http://www.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=2016

        A significant part of Common Core Standards is the teaching of critical-thinking and questioning, debating skills! In other words, learning how to examine and question everything, even what your parents tell you! Hah. When this skill and others within Common Core are not taught in public schools — let alone private ones or at home! — eventually a nation will grow and nurture a violent populace who cannot peacefully and intelligently, with learned human virtues, convey their cognitive and by default verbal skills while also listening to & soundly dissecting other varying or opposing views… it shouldn’t be any surprise when physical violence, revolution, or war breaks out more than peaceful inspiring change. :/


  8. Ruth, after I heard (t)Rump speak yesterday at a rally or interview — don’t recall cuz I don’t pay any attention to current politics on FOX or CNN — with Chris Christie sitting next to him, the 4-minutes I did listen I was astonished how similar he spoke and sounded like another previous President!!! …

    …our world famous intellectual and profound public speaker George W. Bush! Do you hear the similarities too? The “wisdom”? LOL 😉

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    • But he has words. Big words. Fancy words. Nice words. Because he went to a big fancy nice university. He just tells it like it is(dumbs it down) for his audience.

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      • YOU are being too kind. When I’ve heard him speak outside of or off ‘prepared’ speeches/answers, he talks like W. Bush; who by the way ALSO went to a big fancy Ivy League university. 😉


        • No, no. I’m sorry, he doesn’t speak using any ‘prepared’ speeches. He always talks off the cuff. That’s why he rambles when he talks.

          And I’m not being too kind. He really does have big, fancy, words. He said so himself.

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    • His words are tremendous — he has the biggest, bestest words in the whole dictionary. That’s why his speeches are at the 4th grade level:

      It is not just the vocab and syntax, though, but also his speech content, revealing the emotional (not to mention intellectual) poverty that is typical for his character pathology (which he shared with Dubya, so the similarities are unsurprising).

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      • I’ve only got a minute, but I just wanted to say that I think Esquire Magazine should take that back. It’s insulting to fourth graders everywhere!

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      • Emma, very well said. And very good article too!

        Connected to your and the article’s point, sadly however, according to our 2010 U.S. Census Bureau stats and 2013 CensusScope.org, the average American — particularly less in the Southern states — only 29.8% attain an education level of a high school diploma. Only 31.7% of Americans less in the South, attain a bachelor's degree! What does that historically say and mean?

        That those Americans who have not learned or been taught — by parents or their school teachers and their state's curriculum — do not have the critical-thinkings skills and tools to REASON outside of emotions. Vocabulary, syntax, public or private speaking & articulation… and by default critical LISTENING skills… crumble under frustration then school-yard tantrums, screaming, or violence. Duh. Consequently, you have people like (t)Rump that can easily speak to those impoverished lowly educated populations via an emotional impact… which is too often erroneous in the end, right?

        Aside from naive minions and strictly speaking about (t)Rump however, he is the poster-boy of 1960s, 1970s Sexism, Authoritarianism, and simply Inhumane-ism… if that's a word. And of COURSE he is the pillar of family-values! LOL 😉

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        • That’s very good — thanks, Ruth.

          Now see this (sent to me by my husband last night):

          Ties in with the above.


        • Read that piece, and a couple of others by this guy, along with some comments. Oof.

          These people live in an alternate reality, where white folks are the oppressed group, Commies run American schools, and liberals are worse than ISIS. This is the Drumpf’s constituency — armed and angry and proud of it.

          There are serious problems in America, and the terrible social and economic inequality which contributes to the stresses of white working class men is one of the chief ones, but these guys there have it so wrong. And it doesn’t even appear that the writer and most, if any, of his commentariat are working class. They are angry white middle class folks (with plenty of free time to post online comments) who see their life opportunities dwindling and unload their anger and resentment on the usual, completely wrong targets.

          Like I said, oof.

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          • Living here in the south, and I understand you do as well, I hear quite a bit of this kind of rhetoric. And I hear white people talking about reverse racism. It’s a pervasive attitude. It is of no use explaining how(no matter how wrong it might be) black people disliking white people on the basis of skin color isn’t the same thing as systemic racism which is oppressive. They argue that they personally aren’t racist. They don’t seem to understand that they don’t need to be.

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          • Yes, I am very familiar with this phenomenon from my time spent observing the so-called manosphere, where able-bodied, white, middle class men come to complain about being victimized — by women in general, and feminists specifically.

            While they do so, they reveal an astounding depth of their own misogyny (obviously), but when called on it, they will deny it. And they genuinely do not believe that they are misogynist — even as they spout the most unreal but terrible beliefs about women. And of course they deny the existence of systemic sexism — what sexism? Unless you mean against men, then yeah!

            It is no surprise that most, if not all, of those who frequent the manosphere also support Drumpf. They feel as though he is their avenger and savior.

            There are several interesting (but ugh) psychological processes going on there, most based on projection. But it is all ugly and dangerous. And wrong — morally, emotionally, intellectually, socially, you name it.


  9. Obama’s reaction to heckling. Quite a contrast. This was in 2011 at an Obama fundraising event.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I was going to say, quite a contrast. But, you already said it Nan. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Nan… thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for contrasting stoic composure to school-yard fussing and tantrums! I can’t understand why the American public (voters) don’t see the HUGE difference. If (t)Rump ends up being elected, how easy will traditionally opposed foreign states — i.e. Iran, North Korea, China, Somalia, Russia, et al — be able to get him riled up… even so flustered that he retaliates like he does to certain Americans… umm, like women!? 😮

      Great share Nan! ❤

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      • I don’t like pinpointing certain elements of our society, but to me, the reason much of the “American public” cannot see the contrast is twofold: (1) they don’t think ANYTHING Obama does is positive or good, and (2) their vocabulary is, in many cases, at the same level as tRump’s so it all sounds GREAT!

        BTW, I was somewhat surprised when during his “victory” speech last night, he actually sounded rational. Of course, the usual superlatives about himself and what he stands for took precedence, but he did mention how he would negotiate and bring about certain results. And, as many have said, that IS his true (and possibly ONLY) talent.

        The problem is, as Emma’s article points out, his only consultant on anything he plans to do if elected is … HIMSELF! Ay-yi-yi!

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        • Singling out specific sectors in society repeatedly will eventually reek of certain prejudices and biases, yes. However, doing it to contrast and to offer further broader perspectives — encouraging critical-thinking & comparing — I feel is good, even needed. In that light it isn’t judgemental or elitist, just more objective to aid with informed social, economic, and political decisions. I think that’s what you are also saying. 🙂

          I just heard earlier today that in response to possibly not winning the GOP candidacy, (t)Rump responded by saying, “Then there will be widespread riots.” Hahahaha! WTF? 😮

          Yes, Rump’s ego knows only one direction to grow… or rather to burst… sliming, as in slime, bystanders within a 3-mile radius and those hypnotized by TV’s! 😛

          Liked by 1 person

  10. This just in, folks:

    “Donald Trump only divulged one name this morning when Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski asked him who he was talking to about foreign policy. ‘I’m speaking with myself, No. 1, because I have a very good brain,’ Trump said. ‘And I’ve said a lot of things.’ ”


    Is this reassuring or what? (I’m going with what.)

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    • Well, I hadn’t been sure whether to laugh or to cry. I think it’s time to start crying. 😦 WTF?

      My personal experience with a malignant narcissist makes me detest even the sound of this man’s voice. In my mind’s eye I can picture him saying that dripping with condescension and moreso spraying it than saying it.

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    • I was thinking about this this morning. Part of me wonders if Trump is intentionally saying these stupid things and then when his poll numbers go up he and his family are secretly laughing at how sheepish people are. You know, he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave and his supporters would still vote for him. Are people in that much denial of what he really is?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, people are in that much denial, and more. We are screwed, as a species, I’m afraid.

        Speaking of Drumpf intentionally — and not — saying stupid things, come see my latest post.

        He does say some stupid things intentionally — like I will build The Wall! and Who’s gonna pay for it? Mexico!; he openly admits as much — but most of the time he just reveals his stupid self as it is, with no filter and no inhibitions (which are alien to him).

        It does not matter to his supporters. If anything, they love him even more for it. It’s a proof to them that he is “one of us.”


        • If he’s one of us my ass is a Chinese typewriter.

          I heard on the radio a few minutes ago that he has his volunteers sign a 6 page contract that says that they cannot say anything bad about him now and not for the rest of their lives.

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  11. I just read this in a comment on the link that Emma sent: “Trump is a comedian playing to an audience too slow to get the joke.”

    Does that sum it up … or does that sum it up?

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  12. I haven’t had a chance to watch this, yet. It’s the first I’ve seen of it so I’m just dropping this here so I can come back and watch later. Feel free to watch and comment, I just can’t give any commentary until I’ve heard the audio.


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